This guide provides step-by-step instructions for integrating Hansei with Discord using Zapier.

By following these steps, you can automate processes between Discord and Hansei, enhancing efficiency and organization.


  • Sign in to Zapier
  • A Discord account with administrative privileges Login
  • Access to Hansei

Step 1: Initiate Integration

  1. Log in to your Zapier account
  2. Navigate to the Dashboard
  3. Start the integration process.

Step 2: Set Up the Trigger

  1. In the ‘Choose App & Event’ section, search for Discord and select it.
  1. Choose a trigger event. Options include:

    • New Message Posted to Channel
    • New Reaction to Message
    • Role Assigned to User

    For this guide, select New Message Posted to Channel

Step 3: Connect to Discord

  1. Click Sign in to Discord.
  2. Enter your Discord credentials and authorize Zapier to access your Discord account.

Step 4: Configure the Trigger

  1. Select the specific Discord channel you want to monitor.
  2. Click on Continue.
  3. Test the trigger to ensure it’s working correctly.

Step 5: Set Up the Action

  1. In the ‘Choose App & Event’ section, search for Hansei and select it.

  2. Choose an action event from the following options:

    • Add File to Knowledge Base
    • Add Text Content to the Knowledge Base
    • Add Webpage Content to Knowledge Base
    • Generate Answer

    For this guide, select Add Text Content to Knowledge Base.

Step 6: Configure the Action

  1. Fill in the details for the action, including:
    • Select Collection: Choose the relevant collection in Hansei.
    • Source Name: Name the source of your content.
    • Content: Specify the content to be added.
  2. Click on Continue.
  3. Test the action to ensure it’s configured correctly.

Step 8: Publish the Zap

  1. After confirming that both the trigger and action work as expected, click on Publish.
  2. Your new Zap is now active and will automate the specified tasks between Discord and Hansei.


You have successfully integrated Hansei with Discord using Zapier. This integration will streamline the process of adding content from Discord to your Hansei Knowledge Base, facilitating better knowledge management and collaboration.

For further assistance or more detailed instructions,please visit the Zapier Help Center